The Actual Checkride Question Bundle includes all of The Flight Attitude’s Actual Checkride Questions for Private Pilot, Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot, CFI Initial, and CFI-Instrument.
This product is in PDF format.
CFI Initial Lesson Plans: "Ground"
1. Aeronautical Decision-Making & Risk Management
2a. Principles of Flight & Aerodynamics
2b. Left Turning Tendencies
3. Airplane Flight Controls
4. Airworthiness & Maintenance
5. Airplane Systems
6a. Weather Theory
6b. Weather Phenomena & Hazards
6c. Weather Reports
7a. National Airspace System
7b. Special Use Airspace
8. Aeromedical Factors
9. Airport Signs, Markings, and Lighting
10. Navigation & Flight Planning
11. Weight & Balance
12. Preflight Assessment & Inspection
13. Engine Start, Taxiing, & Run-up
14. Runway Incursion Avoidance
15. Visual Scanning, Collision Avoidance, and Illusions
16. Navigation Systems & Radar Services
17. Night Operations
18. Logbooks & Endorsements
19. Conducting Flight Reviews
20. High Altitude Operations
CFI Initial Lesson Plans: "In-flight"
- Traffic Patterns
- Normal Takeoff & Climb
- Normal Approach & Landing
- Final Approach & Landing
- Crosswind Takeoff & Climb
- Crosswind Approach & Landing
- Short-Field Takeoff & Climb
- Short-Field Approach & Landing
- Soft-Field Takeoff & Climb
- Soft-Field Approach & Landing
- Fundamentals of Flight
- Rectangular Course
- Turns Around a Point
- S-Turns
- Slow Flight
- Stalls
- Power-Off Stalls
- Power-On Stalls
- Accelerated Stalls
- Secondary Stalls
- Elevator Trim Stalls
- Cross-Controlled Stalls
- Steep Turns
- Chandelles
- Lazy 8s
- Steep Spirals
- Eights on Pylons
- Emergency Operations
- Emergency Descents
- Emergency Approach & Landing
- Power-Off 180s
- Go-Around Procedures
- Basic Attitude Instrument
- Unusual Attitude Recovery
- Spin Awareness & Recovery
CFI-I Lesson Plans: "Ground"
- Aeronautical Decision-Making & Risk Management
- Situational Awareness & CFIT
- Vacuum System
- Pitot-Static System
- Magnetic Compass
- Turn Coordinator
- Electrical System
- Navigation Equipment
- Instrument Landing System (ILS)
- De-Ice/Anti-Ice Operations & Equipment
- Aeromedical Factors
- Logbook Entries & IPCs
- Sources of Weather
- Weather Reports
- FR Cross-Country Flight Planning
CFI-I Lesson Plans: "In-flight Maneuvers"
- Basic Attitude Instrument
- Instrument Learning Methods
- Straight-and-Level Flight
- Turns
- Climbs and Descents
- Steep Turns
- Unusual Attitude Recovery
CFI-I Lesson Plans: "IFR En Route"
- Conducting an IFR Flight - Overview
- IFR Flight Plans & Clearances
- Departure Procedures
- En Route Reporting Procedures
- IFR En Route Navigation & Airways
- Arrival Procedures & Clearances
- Procedure Turns & Holding Procedures
- Emergency Operations
- Flight in Icing Conditions
CFI-I Lesson Plans: "Approaches"
- Instrument Approach Procedures
- Instrument Approach Segments
- Precision Approaches
- ILS Approaches
- Non-Precision Approaches
- RNAV (GPS) Approaches
- Localizer Approaches
- VOR Approaches
- Circling Approaches
- Radar Approaches
- Timed & Parallel Approaches
- Missed Approach Procedures