About Us

“The impatience of 100,000 persons would not accelerate the rhythm of his stride."

Francois Peyrey - in reference to Wilbur Wright's meticulous preflight inspections of "The Flying Machine" in Le Mans, France
(August 1908)

Approach into Bryce Canyon, UT

About Us

Matt, the CFI-in-Chief behind The Flight Attitude, enjoys sharing his love of flying with the world. During his training as a Certificated Flight Instructor (CFI), he spent an extraordinary amount of time compiling the most comprehensive and organized lesson plans and training materials any of his colleagues had ever seen.
Now, as a captain flying with a fractional ownership program, Matt wants to help others become successful pilots and instructors. So, he is making the training materials he created available for purchase to give you more time to focus on earning your CFI and teaching others.